Kodak Ventilation Hood J 314 User Manual

J-314(ENG) $10.00  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in  
Photographic Processing Facilities  
Kodak’s health, safety,  
and environmental  
publications are available  
to help you manage your  
photographic processing  
operations in a safe,  
environmentally sound  
and cost-effective manner  
This publication is a part  
of a series of publications  
on health and safety  
workplace, indoor air quality  
environment can be improved if  
well engineered ventilation  
systems are installed.  
This publication will provide  
information on the following  
The Occupational Safety and  
Health Administration (OSHA)  
presents a framework of federal  
regulations that set chemical  
exposure standards for the  
workplace environment. These  
standards outline allowable limits  
that employees may be safely  
exposed to during the work day.  
Effective ventilation systems are an  
important tool that will help  
minimize employee exposure to  
photographic processing  
issues affecting photographic  
processing facilities.  
• Indoor air quality  
• Exposure concepts  
• Air contaminants  
It will help you understand  
the role and proper use of  
ventilation systems in the  
• Exposure standards and  
• Methods of evaluation  
• Ventilation and work practice  
control measures  
chemicals. While photographic  
processing facilities are typically  
considered to be a low hazard  
This publication is meant to assist others with their compliance programs. However, this is  
not a comprehensive treatment of the issues. We cannot identify all possible situations and  
ultimately it is the readers obligation to decide on the appropriateness of this information to  
his/her operation.  
©Eastman Kodak Company, 2002  
chronic health effectsadverse  
effects resulting from repeated  
low level exposure, with  
Gases/Vapors: The difference  
between gases and vapors is their  
physical state at standard  
symptoms that develop slowly  
over a long period of time. These  
may affect target organs such as  
the liver, kidney, or lungs or cause  
temperature and atmospheric  
pressure (STP, 22.5°C, and 760 mm  
Hg). A gas is in the gaseous state at  
STP (examples: nitrogen, carbon  
dioxide, sulfur dioxide). A vapor is a  
gas from a substance that at STP is a  
liquid (example, acetic acid).  
Particulates: There are several  
forms of particulate matter that can  
be airborne. These include:  
In a work environment where  
chemicals are used, an individual  
may potentially be exposed in three  
Dose Response: All chemicals are  
toxic if taken into the body by the  
right route of exposure and at a high  
enough dose. As the dose increases,  
there is a corresponding effect or  
Chemicals that requirelarge doses  
or exposure concentrations to  
produce an adverse effect have a  
low toxicity, while chemicals that  
require smaller doses to produce an  
adverse effect are considered more  
toxic. For example, acetic acid is  
irritating to the eyes and upper  
respiratory system at low  
concentrations, about 10 ppm.  
Isopropyl alcohol is not irritating to  
the eyes until concentrations reach  
over 400 ppm. Based on this  
comparison, acetic acid causes an  
irritation at much lower  
skin and eye contact  
Inhalation is the most common  
route of exposure for airborne  
particulates, gases, and vapors.  
Inhalation exposures are important  
because many chemicals that enter  
the lungs can pass directly into the  
blood stream and be transported to  
other areas of the body.  
Dust results from the application  
of energy to matter, by grinding,  
sifting pouring solids, paper cutting,  
etc. Dust particles have to be small  
enough and light enough to be  
Fumes are generated by the  
condensation of particles in the  
vapor state from heated metals.  
Fumes are typically smaller than  
dust, more soluble, and are more  
physiologically active. Fumes are  
not generated during normal  
photographic processing  
Skin contact can also be a  
significant source of exposure which  
can lead to adverse health effects.  
Some chemicals can be absorbed  
into the body through the skin while  
others may cause irritation or rashes  
(dermatitis). In addition, some  
chemicals are potential eye irritants.  
Ingestion is not considered to be a  
significant problem in the  
workplace. Inadvertent ingestion of  
chemicals may occur if food or  
beverages are consumed in chemical  
handling areas or if good personal  
hygiene practices are not followed,  
i.e., washing hands before eating,  
drinking, smoking, etc.  
concentrations than isopropyl  
Smoke results from incomplete  
combustion and is made up of  
extremely fine particles, even  
smaller than fumes. Smoke is  
extremely complex chemically,  
containing thousands of chemical  
substances. Unless something is  
burning, smoke is not generated  
during photographic processing  
Mists result from the dispersion  
of fine droplets by aerosolization of  
any liquid (spray cans, nitrogen  
agitation of tanks, electroplating).  
Mists can be formed during the  
mixing, recirculation or pouring of  
liquids. Mist can also be generated  
from foam on the surface of a liquid.  
The air within buildings usually  
contains a variety of air  
contaminants. These contaminants  
can originate from outside sources  
(car/truck exhaust) or emissions  
from inside sources (office  
equipment, furnishings, carpet,  
people, kitchens, janitorial  
Air contaminants: are chemicals  
that may be present in the air that  
could be inhaled and may produce  
adverse effects. These effects can be  
divided into two classes:  
acute health effectsan adverse  
Whatever the source,  
effect resulting from a single  
contaminants in the air fall into one  
of two physical states of matter.  
They are either:  
exposure with symptoms  
developing almost immediately  
or shortly after exposure; the  
gases and vapors, or  
effect is usually of short duration.  
Symptoms may include irritation,  
headache, dizziness, or nausea.  
solids (particulates)  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
As the bubbles burst, tiny droplets  
of the liquid are released into the air.  
The composition of a mist is usually  
the same as the liquid from which it  
was generated.  
Ceiling Limit (C): The airborne  
concentration that is representative  
of a workers exposure that should  
not be exceeded.  
Action Level (AL): For the  
comprehensive standards  
established by OSHA, an Action  
Level may be specified. The Action  
Level is typically 12 of the PEL and is  
the concentration at which you may  
have to address certain compliance  
requirements such as employee  
monitoring, training, or medical  
In 1970, OSHA reviewed existing  
exposure guidelines and consensus  
standards in the workplace, and  
adopted these as OSHA regulations.  
These exposure standards set  
airborne concentration limits and  
are legally enforceable. Two of the  
major references used by OSHA at  
that time were the 1968 Threshold  
Limits Values (TLVs) published by  
the American Conference of  
Potential air contaminants  
associated with photographic  
processing operations will be  
determined by the specific process  
chemistry and the operating  
conditions of the equipment. Some  
photographic processing solutions  
release small amounts of vapors  
such as acetic acid and benzyl  
alcohol or gases such as ammonia, or  
sulfur dioxide. High-temperature  
processing and nitrogen-burst  
agitation of tank solutions may  
increase the release of chemicals  
into the air and generate mists from  
the photographic processing  
solutions. Depending on the  
concentration in the air, these  
chemicals could be irritating to the  
eyes and respiratory tract, or create  
odors. Although odor does not  
always indicate safe versus unsafe  
conditions, strong odors or the  
presence of eye and/or respiratory  
irritation can indicate that there is  
not sufficient general dilution  
ventilation or that the local exhaust  
systems may not be capturing the air  
contaminants effectively at their  
(ACGIH) and Acceptable  
ACGIH is a professional  
Concentrations of Toxic Dusts and  
Gases published by the American  
NationalStandardsInstitute (ANSI).  
Since 1970, OSHA has established  
approximately 28 new chemical-  
specific standards. These new  
standards such as the one for  
formaldehyde, are much more  
comprehensive and detailed. These  
new standards include additional  
requirements for written programs,  
training, personal protective  
equipment, control measures,  
medical surveillance, etc.  
The airborne exposure limits  
established by OSHA include:  
Permissible Exposure Limit  
(PEL): The allowable limit that is  
representative of a workers  
exposure, averaged over an 8-hour  
organization whose members work  
within the government or academia.  
This organization annually  
publishes a booklet entitled  
Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for  
Chemical Substances and Physical  
Agents and Biological Exposure  
Indices (BEIs). ACGHI TLVs are  
exposure guidelines and do not  
have the effect of law. These values  
change in response to new data and  
are usually more rapidly updated  
than OSHA limits.  
The Threshold Limit Value (TLV)  
refers to airborne concentrations of  
substances and represents  
conditions under which it is  
believed that nearly all workers may  
be repeatedly exposed day after day  
without adverse health effects.  
The ACGIH TLVs include:  
In order to assess whether or not  
exposure to airborne chemicals  
presents a health and safety hazard,  
several exposure standards and  
guidelines are available for  
Short-term Exposure Limit  
(STEL): The allowable limit that is  
representative of a workers  
Threshold Limit Value-Time-  
Weighted Average (TLV-TWA):  
The time-weighted average  
concentration for a normal 8-hour  
workday and a 40-hour work week,  
to which nearly all workers may be  
repeatedly exposed, day after day,  
without adverse effect.  
exposure, averaged over 15 minutes.  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
Threshold Limit Value-Short-  
Term Exposure Limit (TLV-STEL):  
The 15-minute TWA concentration  
which should not be exceeded at any  
time during a workday even if the 8-  
hour TWA is within the TLV-TWA.  
Exposure above the TLV-TWA up to  
the STEL should not be longer than  
15 minutes and should not occur  
more than four times per day with at  
least 60 minutes in between  
measurement may vary depending  
on whether you are interested in  
short-term exposure, full shift  
exposure, or the exposure incurred  
during a specific step or process. The  
measurements represent a sampling  
of the actual working conditions at  
the time of sampling. Generally, the  
more sampling data that are  
Direct Reading  
These are measurement techniques  
that can immediately indicate the  
concentration of aerosols, gases, or  
vapors by some means such as a dial  
or meter or noting the color change of  
an indicator chemical.  
available for a certain job/process/  
task under a variety of conditions,  
the better understanding and  
exposures in this range.  
Threshold Limit Value-Ceiling  
(TLV-C): The concentration that  
should not be exceeded during any  
part of the working exposure.  
OSHA Limits vs ACGIH  
Guidelines: OSHA limits are legally  
enforceable, whereas ACGIH limits  
are guidelines. In most cases, the  
ACGIH guidelines are the same or  
lower than OSHA limits (there are a  
few exceptions). When the values  
are not the same, it is prudent to  
follow the lower, more conservative  
confidence you will have in the  
exposure measurements during that  
process. As illustrated in Figure 1,  
actual exposure can vary  
substantially during the day. In  
some cases, full-shift monitoring  
may be the goal while in others, the  
goal may be to understand short-  
term exposure.  
Colorimetric Detector Tubes  
Several colorimetric, direct reading  
detector tubes are useful for quick  
assessments of airborne  
Figure 1  
Typical Exposure Scenario  
contaminants associated with  
photographic processing. A special  
pump draws a specific volume of  
room air through a detector tube. If  
the contaminant is present, a color  
change occurs along the length of the  
tube that is directly proportional to  
the concentration of the contaminant  
in the air. Tubes are available for  
acetic acid, sulfur dioxide, ammonia,  
and many other gases and vapors.  
The tubes are easy to use and  
PEL 8-hour TLV 8-hour  
Acetic acid  
10 ppm  
50 ppm  
10 ppm  
25 ppm  
Formaldehyde 0.75 ppm  
0.3 ppm  
Sulfur dioxide 5 ppm  
2 ppm  
generally have an accuracy of 25%.  
Other chemicals in the air may  
interfere with the accuracy and  
sensitivity of the tubes.  
Basic Definitions  
Sensitivity or Precision: how  
reproducible is the sampling  
Accuracy: how close to the true value  
is the sampling method.  
Air samples are sometimes collected  
to evaluate potential worker  
exposure levels for comparison to  
published exposure standards or  
guidelines. The purpose of the  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
Direct Reading Instruments  
for assessing short-term exposures.  
New canister samplers allow for the  
sample to be drawn in over a much  
longer period of time, if desired.  
This technique is most useful for  
volatile organic hydrocarbons.  
Engineering controls that have  
proven to be effective in minimizing  
airborne levels of photographic  
processing chemicals include:  
Good design and layout for  
process flow and ergonomic  
Many different direct reading  
instruments are available for air  
sampling measurements. Some of  
these can be very specific to a  
chemical (e.g., sulfur dioxide  
analyzers) while others are  
nonspecific (e.g., organic vapor  
analyzer with photoionization [PID]  
or flame ionization [FID] detectors).  
Calibrate all instruments before and  
after making any measurements.  
Using dilution and local exhaust  
Providing covers for processing  
equipment tanks and chemical  
storage tanks  
Proper ventilation is important to  
assure a safe and comfortable indoor  
environment for photographic  
processing areas. Several common  
potential indoor air contaminants  
can be associated with photographic  
processing. These include: acetic  
acid, sulfur dioxide, and ammonia.  
These chemicals may be eye and  
respiratory tract irritants depending  
on their airborne concentrations.  
Exposure guidelines and standards  
for these chemicals have been  
established to prevent significant  
eye or respiratory tract irritation in  
most workers. Significant eye or  
respiratory tract irritation during  
normal photographic processing or  
maintenance operations may  
indicate elevated levels of these  
materials and the need for better  
Samples with Subsequent  
Laboratory Analysis  
There are many air sampling  
techniques that rely on collecting a  
known volume of air followed by  
laboratory analysis.  
The proper location and layout of  
photographic processing operations  
is an important element in designing  
a safe and healthy workplace.  
General ventilation systems have  
the potential to recirculate a  
significant percentage of the air  
returning from the photographic  
processing areas. If the general  
ventilation system also supplies  
non-photographic processing work  
areas, it is possible that the  
photographic processing odors may  
also impact these areas.  
Passive diffusion badges are easy  
to use and excellent for measuring  
many volatile organic compounds.  
This method is most useful for  
measuring (quantifying) known  
airborne contaminants. Although  
passive badges are commonly  
employed for measuring full shift  
average exposures, they also can be  
useful for short-term exposure  
Kodak studies of potential worker  
exposure during automated  
General control strategies in order  
of preference include:  
photographic processing operations  
have indicated that vapors and  
gases can be controlled to acceptable  
levels through good general room  
ventilation (dilution ventilation).  
However, in some cases, local  
exhaust for enclosed and/or open  
tanks may be recommended.  
chemical substitution (where  
engineering controls (ventilation,  
enclosures, process isolation)  
work practices or administrative  
controls (operating procedures,  
employee rotation)  
Solid sorbent/tubes/bubblers are  
similar in many ways to passive  
badges except that air must be  
actively drawn through the  
personal protective equipment  
(safety glasses, gloves,  
sampling device using a calibrated  
sampling pump. Numerous  
laboratory techniques are available  
for specific chemical analysis  
following sample collection.  
Grab samples refer to collecting a  
volume of air at a certain point in  
time. This technique can be useful  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
When using dilution ventilation,  
airborne contaminants are not  
captured at the source. Instead, the  
contaminated air is turned over and  
replaced quickly enough to  
levels but is not considered local  
exhaust ventilation. A local exhaust  
system may be more expensive to  
install than a general dilution  
ventilation system, but requires less  
air (and energy) to effectively  
control the airborne contaminants.  
When designing local exhaust  
systems, the objective is to capture  
contaminants close to the source and  
draw the contaminated air stream  
away from the air you breathe.  
Avoid placing workstations  
Dilution or general ventilation is  
simply bringing in and distributing  
enough fresh, uncontaminated air  
(preferably outdoor air) to dilute the  
indoor air contaminants to an  
acceptable level.  
Minimum recommendations for  
general ventilation for buildings and  
processes are provided by the  
American Society of Heating,  
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning  
Engineers (ASHRAE).  
minimize potential exposure and  
related odors. To be most effective,  
make sure you properly position the  
supply air inlets and return air  
outlets for good mixing/dilution of  
the room air. Their placement must  
minimize the potential for short-  
circuitingor direct flow of supply  
air to return with minimum room air  
mixing (Figure 2). For a large room,  
you may need supply air inlets and  
return air outlets throughout the  
room. Do not position the inlet and  
outlets too close together.  
between the source (photographic  
processor) and the inlet to the  
exhaust hood.  
For photographic processing  
operations, ASHRAE Standard 62-  
1989 recommends:  
You can find information on the  
proper design of local exhaust  
systems in the ACGIH Industrial  
Ventilation Manual (ACGIH 2001).  
The design must also consider the  
required make-upair system  
youll need to replace and condition  
the air that is exhausted from the  
building. In addition, it is also  
important to review local laws and  
ordinances regarding local exhaust  
and any permit requirements with  
local, state, or federal regulators.  
0.5 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of  
fresh outside air, per square foot  
(ft ) of floor area (0.5 cfm/ft ),  
Figure 2  
assuming a maximum occupancy  
Open tank processor with general room  
dilution ventilation  
of 10 persons/1000 ft in  
For example, if the room where  
photoprocessing takes place is 10 ft  
Supply Fresh Air  
x 20 ft x 8 ft, the floor area is 200 ft  
and the room volume is 1600 ft .  
Based on 0.5 cmf/ft , you would  
need to supply at least 200 x 0.5 or  
100 cfm of fresh outside air to the  
The number of “room air changes  
per hour” is determined by the fresh  
air supply rate. In the example, in  
General dilution ventilation  
one hour 6000 ft (100 ft /min x 60  
min) of fresh air entered the space  
following the minimum fresh air  
recommendations from ASHRAE  
(room volume: 1600 ft ). To calculate  
(0.5 cfm/ft of floor area) should be  
the room air changes per hour, you  
divide the total amount of fresh air  
that has entered the space by the  
volume of the room:  
effective at controlling air  
contaminants associated with  
minilab processes. In some cases,  
venting the dryer section of the  
processor to outdoors may be  
appropriate to prevent excessive  
humidity (greater than 60% relative  
humidity) and odors in the  
workplace. Consult with the  
processor manufacturer for specific  
venting requirements.  
6000 ft /hr/1600 ft room volume =  
3.75 air changes per hour.  
Local exhaust ventilation is used to  
capture air contaminants close to the  
source of generation, before they can  
enter the general work room air.  
This type of ventilation can be very  
effective at controlling airborne  
contaminants. A general room  
It is important to note that the  
ASHRAE recommendations  
represent the minimum amount of  
fresh air that should be supplied to  
the space. Past recommendations  
from Kodak have been as high as ten  
air changes per hour.  
exhaust system will reduce airborne  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
Figure 4  
Open-machine with a  
slot hood ventilation  
Supply Fresh Air  
150 cfm  
The most effective controls for  
minimizing potential airborne  
Exhaust to Outdoors  
170 cfm  
exposures and odors related to large  
photographic processing operations  
are a combination of both local  
exhaust and dilution ventilation  
(Figure 3). Fresh dilution air1 should  
be supplied to the darkroom at a rate  
of 150 cfm per machine. If a machine  
extends through a barrier into  
another room, supply fresh dilution  
air to both rooms. Depending on the  
process chemistry, you may need  
local exhaust at uncovered stabilizer  
tanks or at the bleach fix tanks at a  
rate of 170 cfm per machine  
If solution tanks are enclosed or covered, the fresh air supply rate may be  
reduced to 90 cfm and the exhaust rate to 100 cfm per machine (Figure 5).  
(Figure 4). In many cases, exhaust is  
also provided at the dryer section to  
help control heat and humidity in  
the room. An exhaust rate slightly  
greater than the supply rate results  
in a negative room air pressure  
which reduces the potential for air  
contaminants and odors for  
escaping from the photographic  
processing area to any adjacent  
Figure 3  
Open-machine, general room  
exhaust ventilation  
Supply Fresh Air  
150 cfm  
Exhaust to Outdoors  
170 cfm  
1. Means uncontaminated airwhich includes  
the ASHRAE recommendation of 0.5 cfm/ft .  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
Figure 5  
Exhaust to Outdoors  
100 cfm  
Supply Fresh Air  
90 cfm  
Covers on photographic processing  
equipment and chemical storage  
tanks can effectively minimize the  
amount of gases, vapors or mists  
that may enter the work area. In  
addition, covers also reduce the  
potential for contamination of the  
processing solutions. Covers should  
be fabricated from durable, non-  
reactive materials and should cover  
as much of the open surface of the  
tank as possible. In many cases,  
effective tank covers combined with  
good general room ventilation, and  
proper operation and maintenance  
may be all that is needed to control  
odors and airborne exposure to  
photographic processing chemicals.  
In situations where local exhaust is  
needed for a covered tank, 25 - 30  
cubic feet per minute (cfm) per  
square foot of tank area is adequate.  
The level of airborne contamination  
generated from photographic  
processing solutions can be affected  
by how the processing equipment is  
operated. It is important to follow  
the manufacturers recommended  
operating procedures for operating  
temperature, the agitation of  
processing solutions, and  
processing speeds.  
In addition, draining and flushing  
processing equipment tanks with  
cold water prior to rack removal or  
maintenance operations can also be  
effective at controlling short-term  
exposures to processing solutions.  
The health, comfort, and  
efficiency of personnel, as well as the  
proper conditions for processing,  
handling and storage of  
photographic materials depends on  
a suitable indoor air environment.  
Modern ventilation techniques  
include several factors: air supply,  
air movement; air distribution; air  
conditioning or control of  
In addition, it is important to  
follow the processing equipment  
manufacturers recommendations  
regarding venting of the dryer  
section of the processor. Whenever  
possible, dryer vents should be  
ducted to the outdoors to prevent  
the build up of excessive  
temperature and humidity in the  
Install all local exhaust systems  
that vent to the outdoors in  
accordance with local, state, and  
federal regulations.  
Work practices controls:  
Proper operation and  
maintenance of photographic  
processing equipment;  
temperature and humidity; air  
pressure adjustment; and air  
Prudent techniques for handling  
cleaning or filtration. If you plan a  
photographic plant of considerable  
size, consult a ventilation and air  
conditioning engineer as early as  
possible in the planning stages. If the  
designer has the opportunity to  
make suggestions in the early stages  
of planning, the result may be a  
better overall design, and lower  
installation and operating costs.  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1000, Table Z1, Z2, and Z3  
Exposure Standard  
Formaldehyde Standard  
Design of Ventilation Systems  
OSHA, 29 CFR, 11910.1000-1048  
ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Manual (ACGIH 2001)  
Design of Ventilation Systems  
(Ventilation Recommendations)  
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Condition Engineers Standard 62-1989  
Theshold Limit Values  
Indoor Air Quality  
Threshold Limits Values (latest edition), American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists  
Building Air Quality, A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers, U.S. Environmental Protection  
Indoor Air Quality  
Indoor Air Quality and HVAC Systems, David W. Bearg, Lewis Publishers, 1993  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
Hazard Communication for Photographic  
Processing Facilities  
Personal Protective Equipment Requirements in  
Photographic Processing Facilities  
If you have environmental or safety questions about  
Kodak products, services, or publications, contact  
Kodak Environmental Services at 1-585-477-3194, or  
Kodak also maintains a 24-hour health hotline to  
answer questions about the safe handling of  
photographic chemicals. If you need health-related  
information about Kodak products, call  
Occupational Noise Exposure Requirements for  
Photographic Processing Facilities  
Special Materials Management in Photographic  
Processing Facilities  
Emergency Preparedness for Photographic  
Processing Facilities  
Injury and Illness Management for Photographic  
Processing Facilities  
For questions concerning the safe transportation of  
Kodak products, call Kodak Transportation Services at  
Additional information is available on the Kodak  
website and through the Canada faxback system.  
The products and services described in this  
publication may not be available in all countries. In  
countries other than the U.S., contact your local Kodak  
representative, or your usual supplier of Kodak  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Photographic Processing Facilities J-314(ENG)  
For more information about Kodak Environmental Services,  
visit Kodak on-line at:  
Many technical support publications for  
Kodak products can be sent to your fax machine  
from the Kodak Information Center. Call:  
Canada 1-800-295-5531  
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—  
If you have questions about KODAK products, call Kodak.  
In the U.S.A.:  
1-800-242-2424, Ext. 19, MondayFriday  
9 a.m.7 p.m. (Eastern time)  
In Canada:  
1-800-465-6325, MondayFriday  
8 a.m.5 p.m. (Eastern time)  
This publication is a guide to the Federal Health and Safety Regulations  
that apply to a typical photographic processing facility. Local or state  
requirements may also apply. Verify the specific requirements for your  
facility with your legal counsel.  
This publication is printed on recycled paper that contains  
50 percent recycled fiber and 10 percent post-consumer material.  
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in  
Photographic Processing Facilities  
KODAK Publication No. J-314(ENG)  
Revised 9/02  
Printed in U.S.A.  
Kodak and e" mark are trademarks.  
CAT No. 184 9298  

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